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FAQs: Travel to Portugal

Advice for travels to Portugal from the Ministry of Foreigner Affairs of Portugal.


Statment from the Portugues Ministry of Foreigner Affairs website.

Free Translation from Portuguese to English.

Issued on the 9th February 2022.

1. Which countries are air traffic authorized for?

In accordance with Decree-Law no. 22/2022, Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 17/2022, and Order no. :

1. Passengers from EU countries and countries associated with the Schengen Area (Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland, and Switzerland), Brazil, the United States of America, and the United Kingdom.

2. Passengers from Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Chile, Colombia, South Korea, United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, Kuwait, New Zealand, Peru, Qatar, People's Republic of China, Rwanda, Uruguay; Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau; and territorial entities and authorities not recognized as countries by at least one Member State: Taiwan, subject to reciprocity;

3. Passengers coming from countries other than those mentioned in the previous paragraphs, exclusively for essential travel (see FAQ No. 2 on the concept of essential travel).

Travel, for any reason, to Portugal is allowed by travelers with an EU COVID Digital Certificate in the vaccination modality (which attests to the completion of the primary vaccination series of the respective holder, more than 14 days ago and less than 270 days since the last dose or the taking of a booster dose of a market-authorized COVID-19 vaccine) and in the recovery mode. Travel is also allowed for travelers in possession of a digital vaccination certificate recognized as equivalent to the EU COVID Digital Certificate, or accompanied by proof of vaccination whose recognition has been determined by the order provided for in paragraph 3 of article 4. º of Decree-Law No. 54-A/2021, of 25 June, in its current wording, here), under conditions of reciprocity and only when they integrate the data fields listed in Annex II of Order No. 1575-A/2022.

2. What is essential travel?

Under Resolution No. 135-A/2021, which stipulates restrictive measures for air traffic, the following are considered essential:

a) Travel made for professional, study, family, health, or humanitarian reasons;

b) Travel intended to allow the return to the respective countries of foreign citizens who are in mainland Portugal, provided that such flights are promoted by the competent authorities of such countries, subject to prior request and agreement, and in compliance with the principle of reciprocity.

3. I am Portuguese and I live abroad, can I travel to Portugal?

Yes, the return to Portugal of nationals is allowed. However, and taking into account the restrictions on air traffic coming from third countries, it is recommended to consult the authorized flights and/or confirm the flight with the airline. You should also pay attention to restrictions on arrival, namely with regard to testing (cfr. FAQ No. 8 in this regard).

4. I am Portuguese and I am in a country with no flights to Portugal. Can I return with a stopover in another country?

Yes, there are no restrictions on the return to Portugal of nationals, whatever their origin. However, travellers should inquire about possible entry conditions in the country of transit from the airline or local authorities. You should also pay attention to restrictions on arrival, namely with regard to testing (cfr. FAQ No. 8 in this regard).

5 . I am a citizen of the European Union, can I travel or transit through Portugal?

Yes, entry or transit through Portugal is allowed.

6. I am in a Portuguese-speaking country, can I travel to Portugal?

Air traffic originating in Portuguese-speaking countries is allowed only for essential travel, with the exception of Brazil.

Travel, for any reason, to Portugal is allowed by travellers with an EU COVID Digital Certificate in the vaccination modality (which attests to the completion of the primary vaccination series of the respective holder, more than 14 days ago and less than 270 days since the last dose or the taking of a booster dose of a market-authorized COVID-19 vaccine) and in the recovery mode. Travel is also allowed for travellers in possession of a digital vaccination certificate recognized as equivalent to the EU COVID Digital Certificate, or accompanied by proof of vaccination whose recognition has been determined by the order provided for in paragraph 3 of article 4. º of Decree-Law No. 54-A/2021, of 25 June, in its current wording, here), under conditions of reciprocity and only when they integrate the data fields listed in Annex II of Order No. 1575-A/2022.

7. I'm in the USA, can I travel to Portugal?

Air traffic originating in the United States of America is permitted.

8. Is it necessary to test for Covid-19 to enter Portugal?

All passengers, of any nationality, with the exception of children who have not completed 12 years of age, must present proof of carrying out a test to screen for SARS-COV2 infection, with a negative result, before boarding. Foreign citizens without legal residence in Portugal who board without the aforementioned test must be refused entry into national territory.

The test presentation is waived when an EU COVID Digital Certificate is presented in the vaccination modality (which attests to the completion of the primary vaccination series of the respective holder, more than 14 days and less than 270 days since the last dose or taking of a booster dose of a market-authorized COVID-19 vaccine) or recovery and testing modalities. Travellers in possession of a digital vaccination certificate recognized as equivalent to the EU COVID Digital Certificate, or accompanied by proof of vaccination whose recognition has been determined by the order provided for in paragraph 3 of article 4. º of Decree-Law No. 54-A/2021, of 25 June, in its current wording, here), under conditions of reciprocity and only when they integrate the data fields listed in Annex II of Order No. 1575-A/2022.

9. In cases where the presentation of a test to Covid-19 is mandatory, what type of test should I perform?

Travellers must present, before boarding, proof of laboratory performance of a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) or rapid antigen test (TRAg)* to screen for SARS-CoV-2 infection with a negative result, carried out in the 72 or 24 hours prior to departure time, respectively.

* proof of laboratory performance of rapid antigen test (TRAg) must necessarily indicate the set of standardized data agreed by the Health Safety Committee of the European Union.

For travellers to the autonomous regions, it is recommended to consult the measures in force adopted by the regional governments of the Azores and Madeira.

10. Can I refuse to be tested for Covid-19?

Citizens who refuse to take the test on arrival in the national territory may incur the crimes of disobedience and the spread of a contagious disease, for which reason they are immediately notified by the Foreigners and Borders Service.

11. Upon arrival in Portugal, will I be quarantined?

At this time, the mandatory prophylactic isolation of passengers based on the origin of the trip does not apply.

12. Can I travel to Portugal by land? Will I have difficulties passing through Spain and France?

In the case of travel by land, each traveller must obtain information about the measures and restrictions existing in each of the countries of transit, directly with the authorities of the countries of transit, the consular posts and the Councils for Travellers.

13. I live abroad. Will I be able to return to my country of residence after my stay in Portugal?

In the case of temporary travel to Portugal and with a view to a close return to the country of residence, travellers should be aware of the possibility of being subject to border controls on the return journey, providing in advance any proof of residence that may be necessary.

14. I am Portuguese. I am outside the European Union. Can I travel to Portugal?

Despite the limitations on air connections to some countries outside the European Union, the return to Portugal of nationals and residents is allowed. If there are no direct flights, it is recommended to look for alternative travel solutions, namely through a stopover in other countries.

15. I intend to go to Portugal, but my citizenship card/driving license has expired.

The citizen's card, certificates, and certificates issued by the registration and civil identification services, driving license, documents and visas relating to staying in national territory, as well as licenses and authorizations whose validity has expired on February 24, 2020 (Decree-Law No. 10-A/2020, of March 13, in its current wording), will be accepted in Portugal until December 31, 2021.

16. I am abroad and I have an expired residence permit. Can I return to Portugal?

He can. If you are outside the European Union, you should ask the nearest consular post about whether you need a visa to re-enter Portugal.

17. I intend to travel by boat from France to Portugal. Can I do it?

Portugal lifted a set of restrictions for vessels. Check more information here.

18. What specific rules should I be aware of regarding the conditions for leaving and entering my country of residence?

Always considering the explanations mentioned above, each country stipulates its own rules in terms of the entry and exit regime in its territory. Therefore, you should always confirm the information contained in the Advice for Travelers.

19. Where can I find up-to-date information?

You can find updated information on the Somos On Portal, in the diplomas published in the Diário da República on the measures imposed in the context of Covid-19, as well as on the Portuguese Communities Portal and on the website of the Foreigners and Borders Service.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Portugal


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