CCIPV joins to EuroCham delegation of almost 20 European companies and Business Associations went to Brussels to advocate for quick ratification and implementation of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA).

From the 8th to the 18th of October, EuroCham led a delegation of almost 20 European companies and Business Associations to Brussels to advocate for quick ratification and implementation of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA).
The mission began on the 8th of October with the launch of EuroCham’s new report, The EVFTA: Perspectives from Vietnam, at a joint event with Amfori and Business Europe. The event, which attracted over 70 participants, included a presentation from EuroCham Co-Chairman Nicolas Audier on the findings of new research published in the report from Deloitte, showing that 85% of EuroCham members anticipate that the EVFTA will have either a “significant” or “moderate” impact on their business in the long-term. The research also found that EuroCham members believe the EVFTA will improve a range of social and environmental issues in Vietnam, from “economic development and welfare improvement” (88%) and “sustainable development and environmental protection” (85%) to “knowledge transfer and local workforce advancement” (88%).
Over the following week, EuroCham’s delegation met with four EU Commissioners: Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom; Budget & HR Commissioner Guenther Oettinger; Agriculture & Rural Development Commissioner Phil Hogan; and Education, Culture, Youth & Sports Commissioner Tibor Navracsics. The delegation also met with senior EU officials from the Directorate Generals of Trade, Grow, Environment and Research and the European External Action Service as well as with stakeholder organisations including Food&Drink Europe, spirits Europe, and the European Services Forum. Both EU Commissioners and officials were positive about Vietnam’s efforts to reform its legislative framework, and optimistic about the prospects for ratification of the EVFTA.
CCIPV’s Chairman represented CCIPV in Brussels and advocated for the European Union-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) ratification and implementation, as part of a Business Delegation, underlining the strong interest for both European and Vietnamese business communities and expressing the Chamber support in the European Parliament.