Join CCIPV, AVCO Legal and the SEA IP SME Helpdesk this Tuesday, 30th May 2023 for a insightful webinar on Doing Business in Malaysia and How to Protect Intellectual Property Rights.

Mr. Sergio Pereira da Silva, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Portugal-Vietnam (CCIPV) (Speaker 1).
Mr. Antonio Vinal, Senior Partner of AVCO Legal (Speaker 2).
Ms. Jin Nee Wong, External Expert of SEA IP SME Helpdesk & Founding Partner of Wong Jin Nee & Teo (Speaker 3).
Ms. Nora Bihari, Project Manager of SEA IP SME Helpdesk (Moderator).
EU SMEs! Do you want to grow your business and make it flourish in Malaysia?
Are you approaching the Malaysian market for the first time or thinking about expanding your existing business in Malaysia? You have just started doing business in Malaysia?
Are you looking for tax incentives, employment pass and other benefits from the Malaysia Government while making sure your intangible assets remain protected? Then this training is for you.
When coming to a foreign country, companies must be aware of the different laws from their home country. It is imperative that business owners take the time to understand what these laws are and how they affect your business.
This is a two-parts webinar. For the first one, we'll talk about company set-ups, taxes, incentives and employment pass. In the second one, we'll discuss the latest intellectual property laws and regulations which are applicable in Malaysia.
The primary objective of this training is to encourage EU SMEs to do business in Malaysia, provide them with tips and tricks that they should be aware of, and finally help them to get an idea how to protect your work and how to move forward with it. The training will offer the participants a basic overview of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in Malaysia, as well as an introduction to the legal framework for IPR protection in Malaysia. In addition, the training will also provide information on how to register your company’s intellectual property rights in order to protect them against third party infringement.
The participants will learn how to identify potential infringements of their intellectual property rights, how these infringements can be prevented and how they can be enforced if necessary.
Time: Tuesday, 30 May 2023 | 3.30 – 4.30 PM (ICT)/ 4.30 – 5.30 PM (MYT)
Platform: Zoom Webinar
Fee: free-of-charge
Language: ENGLISH
Registration: CLICK HERE